Viral STDs: What You Need to Know

In the list of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STI), viral STDs are often the most troublesome. While we are all familiar with viruses that are easily mediated such as the common cold, influenza or smallpox, sexually transmitted diseases caused by viral infection...

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The Sexual Health Resources Directory

The Sexual Health Resources Directory is an extensive guide created to those searching for access to general information, specific clinic locations, testing, or resources. There are many national organizations, regional facilities, hotlines, and blogs available to those looking for direction, support, or treatment. With...

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Is Frequent Urination a Sign of STD?

Urinary frequency describes the need to urinate more often than normal, although there isn’t an increase in the amount of urine. In fact, often the amount of urine is decreased. Urgency is the sudden need to urinate. People with these symptoms may also have...

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How Soon Can You Test for STDs?

Contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can be a scary thought, so it is expected that many people want to know ‘how soon can you test for STDs?’ While you should always get tested on at least a yearly basis if you are sexually...

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Are STD Blood Tests Accurate?

One of the testing methods used here at Priority STD is the blood test. Blood or urine tests are quite common for a variety of different sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and are more often preferred over the dreaded swab test. Swab tests can make...

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What Is Oral Chlamydia?

Sometimes tonsil stones can cause symptoms such as bad breath, an irritated throat, or trouble swallowing–all of which could be misinterpreted as oral chlamydia. However, this is a misunderstanding that can easily be explained with a brief run-down of the basics of the sexually...

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Female doctor with clipboard on color background

The Complete List of All STDs (STIs)

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates millions of people contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD), also referred to as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), each year. These common infections are spread through oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse, and although...

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