Yeast Infection vs UTI: What’s the difference?

Yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs) can have similar symptoms, but they’re actually very different infections. In this blog, we’ll break down the differences between the two infections and several related infections that fall under the umbrella term vaginitis. What is vaginitis? Vaginitis...

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QUIZ: How do I know if I have Gonorrhea?

If you’re asking yourself, “how do I know if I have gonorrhea,” unfortunately, the answer may not be easy to find. Gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs in the US, with the CDC estimating 820,000 cases of gonorrhea annually. Reported cases of...

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STDs in College

While the goal of most college experiences is to prepare you for life ahead, the experience of contracting an STD in college can create life-altering complications. Entering college for the first time as a young adult can be an exciting new chapter in life,...

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A young woman scratching her arm, similar to someone with scabies.

Is Scabies an STD?

Is scabies an STD? In short, no. This contagious skin condition is most commonly passed through non-sexual skin-to-skin contact. However, it can technically be considered a sexually transmitted disease or infection because it is commonly spread through sexual and other intimate contact. What is...

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Can You Get an STD From Oral Sex?

While oral sex greatly reduces the risk of pregnancy for partners that can get pregnant, you still stand the risk of getting an STD from oral sex. There are a few different STDs you can contract through oral sex and a few different ways...

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Know the Facts: Symptoms of STDs in Males

Most males–or females–with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) have no symptoms at all. If people do have symptoms during the early stages of an STD, the symptoms may be similar to those of other common viral infections, such as a flu or cold, and...

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What are the Chances of Getting an STD with a Condom?

Figuring out the chances of getting an STD with a condom on isn’t as simple as citing a statistic. There are a lot of different factors that can affect your chances of contracting an STD even if you’re using a condom. Latex condoms have...

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Hands of African female with HIV and Aids at home blood self test kit sitting at a desk waiting to check for results.

Are At-home STD Tests Accurate?

People choose DIY tests for their privacy. But just how accurate are at-home STD tests? Let’s take a closer look. How Accurate are At-Home STD Tests? Most at-home STD tests claim to have an accuracy rate between 90-92%. While that might seem impressive at...

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How Do I Know If I Have Herpes?

Herpes is a very common STD, and it’s possible to have contracted the virus and not exhibit any herpes symptoms. So how do you know if you have herpes? Before we answer that question, let’s first answer some common questions about herpes. What is...

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How Often Should I Get Tested for STDs?

How often you should get tested for STDs and STIs is different for everyone and depends on a lot of personal aspects relating to your sex life. In general, getting tested annually is the absolute minimum for sexually active adults, but there are a...

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